This privacy statement outlines how we collect, store, use and share your personal information. For more information, read our full privacy policy.

By submitting your personal information into our systems, you consent to our use of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy and this Privacy Statement.

Who we are

MTF Finance means Motor Trade Finance Limited and includes any third party transferred MTF Finance’s rights.

MTF Finance Group we, us, or our means MTF Finance, MTF Finance’s subsidiaries and related entities, and the network of franchises and approved dealers who provide MTF Finance products and services.

You and your means our customers and other individuals who engage with us directly or indirectly.

What information do we collect?

We may collect personal information about you, either directly from you or from other parties and we may generate information about you when we carry out our business.

The types of personal information we collect about you may include your:

  • Contact information: your name, phone number, email address, postal address, physical address
  • Documents that verify your identity and other personal details: such as your passport or driver licence number
  • Credit history and other financial details
  • Subscriptions/preferences: when you subscribe to receive our newsletter or updates, as well as content preferences to help us identify which material you want to receive
  • Billing or purchase information
  • Technical information: information about the device used to access the website or other social media sites, such as IP address, browser type, time zone settings and mobile network information.

Giving us someone else’s personal information?

If you provide us with any other person’s information (such as a guarantor or beneficial owner), or allow collection of that information, you confirm that that person has allowed MTF Finance Group to collect, use and share their personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020, our Privacy Policy and this Privacy Statement.

You also confirm that you have informed them of their rights to access their personal information set out in our Privacy Policy and this Privacy Statement.

What do we do with it?

We collect and use your personal information to provide the information, products and services that you request from us, and to provide you with information about other services we consider appropriate.

We may use your information:

  • To decide if a certain product or service we offer is suitable for you
  • To manage our relationship with you and for administrative and operational tasks including registering security interests where applicable
  • To comply with any law that applies to our relationship and
  • To market products, or services we or third parties offer.

Who do we share it with?

We share this information with third parties who enable us to provide you with our products and services. These include:

  • Your professional advisers
  • Other members of MTF Finance Group
  • Credit reporting agencies
  • Our product and service providers
  • Our funders, potential funders, and providers of funding related services
  • Insurers
  • New Zealand authorities including regulatory, tax, and law enforcement authorities.

We will only share your personal information with third parties where it is necessary to help us do what we collected your information for, where it is required by law or where you give us authority to.

We require these third parties to adhere to our strict confidentiality requirements for handling personal information and we seek to ensure that they comply with the Privacy Act.

MTF Finance Group may use the services of credit reporting agencies on an on-going basis. We may exchange information about you with those agencies (including information about your default and repayment history). Those agencies may retain that information and provide that information to other customers who use their credit reporting services.

Where do we store it?

We use third party cloud service providers to store and process the information we collect. We use cloud service providers in New Zealand, Australia and Europe, and our own servers. We ensure that our cloud-based service providers are subject to appropriate security and information handling arrangements and that the information stored or processed by them remains subject to confidentiality obligations.

What are my rights?

You do not have to provide information to us. If you choose not to provide necessary personal information when requested, we maybe be unable to provide certain information or services to you. You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement or you would like to ask for a copy of the information, we hold on you, or to have it corrected, please contact us at:

Motor Trade Finance Limited

Phone: 03 477 0530

E-mail: [email protected]

Postal Address: PO Box 885, Dunedin 9054

If we refuse you access to your personal information, we will explain why. The Privacy Act sets out reasons we may withhold information from you.

You may withdraw any consent you previously provided to us, or object at any time on legitimate grounds to the processing of your personal information. Withdrawing your consent to use or disclosure of your personal information may mean that we can no longer provide you with certain products or services.

Last updated September 2024